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Step 2: Export your First Product

You are all set. Learn how to export and sync your first product.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 2 years ago

Now that you have to connected your sales channels, the next step is to export your products. If you have Auto-export enabled, you can just wait for your products to be exported every two hours. Otherwise, you can always select items and export them manually.

Select the platform you want to export to

Go to Products to see your inventory.

Depending on the number of syncing sales channels you have connected, you might see more than one:

If that is the case, make sure that you select the correct platform.

Prepare your products for export

Your source products will be automatically imported and appear in the Products page. Make sure the Status column is set to Ready.

If it is showing something else, you might need to prepare your product for export first.

If it shows "Fix SKU" or "No SKU", follow this article then continue.

If it shows "Categories not mapped", follow this article then continue.

If it shows "Missing item specifics", follow this article then continue.

If it shows a different error message, follow the instructions on the app or contact us for more help.

Export your products

It's always a good practice to make a test and export one item first before exporting all the others. Select an item you'd like to export and click the EXPORT button.

We will later see how to bulk export few or all of the products with one action.

After clicking EXPORT, ExportYourStore will process your request and list your product to the target marketplace.

The status will then be Listed & Synced. It means that the product exists on the target and is synced with the source. From now on, every update on the source will update the product on the target, and any purchase from any marketplace will be synced on both sides, that's of course depends on the sync configurations that you've set earlier.

AMAZON NOTE: When exporting new listings to Amazon, some product fields may not show on Amazon on the first minutes due to Amazon's processing progress.

Use bulk actions

Note: This feature is only available for customers.

Just above the products table, there is a toolbar row that can help you perform bulk actions.

1. Bulk selection

You can manually select each product you want to include in the bulk action, or you can use the bulk selection tool.

Select all products: This will select all your products, on all the current pages, matching the search term you searched for. If you didn't use any search term, all your products will be selected.

Select only products on this page: This will select all the products shown on the current page of the table.

Deselect all: This will deselect all product selections, from all pages.

2. Bulk action

After selecting products for the bulk action, open the bulk action menu and choose the action you'd like to perform.

Check your products

  • You can click the title of the product to view it on the target marketplace.

  • You click the Item ID to view the product on the source marketplace.

  • The action button will appear as Update. That's just in case you want to manually update the product. Updates will occur automatically when the sync is enabled.

    For a more advanced control on the exported products, read the rules article.

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