Difficulty level: Beginner. You will probably manage to do this on your own. The steps below should help you do that. If anything is not clear enough, please contact our support team. |
Remove modifier removes a text from the original values. You can create conditions to specify for which value you want to remove something.
To use Remove, follow the simple steps below
Find the field that you want to remove the value from (e.g. Color).
Add a modifier.
Choose Remove.
Enter the value you want to be removed. Select Remove all if you want to remove all the ocurrences. (Uncheck it if you want to remove just the first ocurrence).
Common Uses
The target channel is requiring all the values for the item dimensions to be in decimal form only. However, on your source store the item length is set with the units (e.g 20 Inches). To fix this simply use the Remove modifier to remove "Inches" from the value.